Categories: Beauty

How IPL can eliminate spider veins on your face and legs

Spider veins, which are noticeable blood vessels on the face and legs, can make you feel bad about yourself and uncomfortable. Today, though, dermatologists offer a non-invasive choice called IPL treatment that uses strong pulsed light to make these lines look less noticeable and return a lighter, more even skin.

IPL treatment for spider veins

IPL therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for spider veins and enlarged blood vessels on the skin. It targets and selectively heats hemoglobin inside spider veins using a wide range of light wavelengths, triggering the body’s natural healing reaction. Over time, the redness goes down and the skin looks better. Protective eyewear is provided during the therapy, and a portable device provides regulated pulses of light energy in brief bursts. The number of sessions needed depends on the severity of the veins and the patient’s reaction to therapy. IPL therapy has minimal downtime and can be resumed with normal activities.

What causes spider veins?

Telangiectasia also known as spider veins are tiny, swollen blood arteries near the skin. They may occur anywhere, but the face and legs are most common. Causes of spider veins include:

  • Weak or broken valves: Veins have one-way valves that help keep blood moving and stop it from going backward. If these valves get weak or broken, blood can pool or move in the wrong direction, which makes the veins get bigger and show up as spider veins.
  • Changes in hormones: Changes in hormones can make getting spider veins more likely during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and some hormonal drugs.
  • Hereditary factors: Spider veins are strongly linked to genes. If you or close family members have had spider veins in the past, you are more likely to get them too.
  • Long stretches of standing or sitting: Jobs or hobbies that require you to stand or sit for long amounts of time can make spider veins worse.
  • Age: As we get older, our vein walls and valves can become weaker. This makes them more likely to swell and form spider veins.
  • Sun exposure: Too much and too long of time in the sun can hurt the skin, even the blood vessels that are very thin.

IPL vs. other treatments for spider veins

IPL therapy is one of the various spider vein treatments. Let’s compare IPL to other common spider vein treatments to see the differences:

  • Laser treatment: Laser therapy, particularly pulsed-dye lasers, is another common spider vein removal method. Lasers like IPL burn and weaken blood vessels, making them vanish over time. Lasers emit one color of light, whereas IPL devices create several wavelengths. IPL may address more skin issues than spider veins due to this distinction.
  • Sclerotherapy: In sclerotherapy, fluid is injected directly into spider veins. Over time, they diminish and fade. Larger or more prominent spider veins are often treated with it. Sclerotherapy targets internal blood vessels, whereas IPL targets external ones. Sclerotherapy may remove certain spider veins, but treatment requires injections and may be uncomfortable.
  • Vein stripping and ligation: Both vein stripping and vein ligation are done while the patient is sleeping. In these treatments, damaged veins are severed or tied off using tiny cuts. These operations are usually reserved for severe spider veins or when other techniques fail. Unlike IPL, surgery may take longer and leave scars.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) in Vancouver

Are you tired of dealing with stubborn veins, or uneven skin tone? Look no further! Celebrity Laser & Skincare in Vancouver offers state-of-the-art Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments to help you achieve the flawless skin you’ve always dreamed of.

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