Let’s talk about resveratrol. We’ve heard it’s good for us, that it may be the secret key to anti-aging. We’ve even heard that we can get it from red wine, which means it would be the right choice to crack open that expensive bottle of Pinot from Uncle Tim. But how much do we actually know about this wonder antioxidant? How much is fact and how much is plain old hype?
What is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is a polyphenol stilbenoid (say what?) with origins in more that 70 plant species. You got it, one of these sources is grape skins (sure, I’ll have another glass, thank you). It’s in the skin of red and white grapes, but you can also find it in peanuts and berries. Research suggests that resveratrol acts against pathogens (like bacteria) and possesses high antioxidant levels. These qualities contribute to potential antitumor activity, and the possibility of prevention and treatment for a host of different cancers.
Anticancer properties have been confirmed by many in vitro and in vivo studies, indicating that resveratrol might be able to combat pivotal cancer growth stages (initiation, promotion and progression). Additional bioactive effects include anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective properties. For all it’s good publicity in the realm of anti-aging and disease-fighting powers, experts agree we don’t have enough data to confirm effectiveness.
The tricky piece to the resveratrol puzzle
The tricky piece to the resveratrol puzzle is the poor solubility and limited bioavailability, alongside some talk of adverse side effects. No severe side effects have been uncovered, but scientists think that an increase in resveratrol could limit the effectiveness of other medications, namely blood thinners or over-the-counter pain medication.
What does resveratrol do for skin?
Okay—let’s get to why you actually started reading this article. You want to hear about the anti-aging properties of resveratrol. Turning back the clock on father time is at the top of most people’s list. We get it! Most of us are hoping science is going to figure out the secret to beating aging.
Researchers believe that resveratrol could activate the SIRT1 gene in the human body. SIRT1 is a serum that speeds up cell energy production centres (AKA mitochondria). This means a greater level of protection against obesity, diabetes and aging. The findings from studies on naturally derived resveratrol has led to research into the creation of drugs that mimic these effects. In theory, lab-made imitation molecules could be even more effective.
Another glass of red wine to get more Resveratrol?
So, should we pour another glass? Not so fast. Some studies have suggested that if we relied on red wine alone for our anti-aging effects, we would need to drink 60L a day. Maybe not. In heath conversations, 20 mg of resveratrol is generally agreed to be an appropriate and effective daily dose for an adult. This is the lowest effective resveratrol dosage proven to gain the effects of resveratrol as a health supplement

Does more red wine mean more resveratrol?
Benefits of Resveratrol BE
We’ve found one product we love, and one that helps deliver our resveratrol fix. Resveratrol BE is an antioxidant focused night treatment working to renew radiance and tighten skin. This product combines ‘stable resveratrol’ with baicalin and pure vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) for ultimate anti-aging.
Benefits of Resveratrol BE:
• Neutralizes free radicals and supports skin’s natural antioxidant defences
• Works to minimize visible signs of aging and improve skin radiance, firmness, and density
• Paraben, fragrance, alcohol, and dye-free
• Ideal for normal, dry, and combination skin types

SkinCeuticals Resveratrol B E Serum
To sum it up—is ladies’ wine night going to make you and your squad look younger? Probably not. But it does sound as though science is closing in on some resveratrol breakthroughs, and we are definitely on board for updates. We’d advise striking a balance between responsible skin care, and a responsible glass of vino.