Are you tired of carrying around stubborn fat that just won’t disappear with diet and exercise? Are you left with cellulite? Or saggy, stretched skin after weight loss or childbirth? There is a way to get that pre-baby bod back quickly and easily with body contouring! VelaShape™ safely and effectively slims and shapes your body by reducing cellulite and firming up problem areas.
Why VelaShape for Body Contouring?
This non-invasive medical solution is a painless, non-surgical treatment. Go right back to work or your regular activities after the treatment with no downtime at all! The treatment process precisely heats your chosen areas that is equally effective for all skin colours and types. Quickly, easily and comfortably get that contoured, toned shape to look healthier and younger.
Most patients’ results add up over their treatment period. So, what results are you looking forward to?
- Smoother skin surface
- Cellulite reduction
- Circumferential reduction
- Noticeable reshaping
The VelaShape Body Contouring Technology
VelaShape® uses bi-polar radiofrequency energy, infrared light, and vacuum to deep heat fat cells, connective tissue and dermal collagen fibres. This stimulates collagen and elastin growth to reduce body volume, increase skin tone, and improve skin texture and structure.
Not a weight-loss treatment, this combination of technologies contours the body to reduce the areas that exercise and diet don’t touch.
VelaShape Body Contouring for Cellulite
For best results, patients have a Body Mass Index (BMI) under 30 and also classified by The Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Scale as Stage 1 or 2.

VelaShape body contouring for cellulite
The Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Scale
Cellulite describes cosmetic dimpled, altered topography of the skin. Usually located on outer thighs, buttocks and posterior thighs, cellulite also exists on 80 to 90% of women of all races. Cellulite may be worse during higher estrogen states, like pregnancy, nursing, and ongoing use of oral contraceptives. Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors don’t seem to influence cellulite development, but weight gain can worsen how existing cellulite looks.
The Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Classification Scale describes how cellulite appears and also predicts potential results of body contouring for cellulite. Here are the three stages:
- NO dimpling while the patient is standing or lying down, but the pinch test reveals the “orange peel” appearance
- “Orange peel” dimpling appears spontaneously when standing up, but NOT when lying down
- “Orange peel” dimpling appears spontaneously both when standing up AND lying down
To learn more about how VelaShape Body Contouring could work for you, make an appointment at Celebrity Laser & Skincare today!