
GLO SKIN BEAUTY Lengthening Mascara VS. Eyelash Extensions

GLO eyelash strengthening mascara

Investigating new strategies to look (and feel) our most physically attractive has become an everyday aspiration. For most woman, this means investing in makeup and cosmetic enhancements. Unfortunately, the waters of aesthetics can be murky with misinformation and too-convincing marketing. What’s effective or right for you can be hard to figure out.

Pros and cons of eyelash extension

It is said that ‘eyes are the window to the soul’. That makes eyelashes the curtains, right? The mascara industry has been going strong since the early 1900’s when French chemist and perfumer Eugène Rimmel thought to put paint on our eyes. Thank you Eugène! But in the last decade or so, eyelash extensions have become increasingly commonplace. Sometimes they are subtle, and sometimes they are *ahem* not. When applied correctly and within reason, eyelash extensions are a comfortable alternative to false eyelashes. And they can definitely look fantastic. Investing in eyelash extensions mean that mascara, eyelash curlers, and the time-consuming routine of taking off your eye makeup before bed all cease to exist. But there are considerations of cost, potential negative reactions to the cosmetic glue, and disruption of normal eyelash growth. Would a healthy routine of lash strengthening be a better investment for your eyes long term?

Healthy ways of eyelash strengthening

It really depends on the stage your lashes are at currently. If your lashes are struggling to be long and lush on their own (like mine) then you could invest a little TLC to get them to full health before looking into getting extensions. The goal of an eyelash growth serum is to nourish the lashes with vitamins and proteins to make them stronger, thicker, and longer over time. Less lash loss is also associated with these treatments. There are plenty of natural ways to gradually lengthen and strengthen: many people swear by the use of regular old castor oil. The method is to dip a cotton swab into castor oil and run it on top of eyelashes (being mindful to avoid your eyes). Do this treatment before bed and wash off it in the morning with a face cloth and warm water.

Healthy ways of eyelash strengthening

Healthy ways of eyelash strengthening

GLO Skin Beauty Lash Thickener & Conditioner

Sometimes people who are wary of enhancing their eyes with extensions focus on growth remedies as they are non-invasive, long-lasting, and a little easier on your wallet. If you’re like me, going out with naked lashes never feels quite right. A great option is to find a mascara that combines lengthening properties with a growth serum and conditioner. One product we’ve found to be particularly effective is the GLO Skin Beauty Lash Thickener & Conditioner. This mascara is formulated to look amazing while thickening and conditioning your lashes—best of both worlds.

“I started noticing my lashes falling out a bit. So, I ordered [GLO Skin Care Lash Thickener and Conditioner]. I started applying castor oil nightly and the conditioner daily. With the combination, I’ve noticed much less lash loss. And of course, as primer it’s wonderful; making my eyelashes look extra-long and thick under mascara” — Anonymous

Healthy eyelash with GLO thickening mascara

Potential downsides of opting for a serum instead of getting extensions is that the results are slower and less dramatic. But spending a little time to strengthen your lashes is hardly a wasted investment. One other important thing to remember: If you’re thinking extensions might be the right move for you, know that experts need to work with healthy lashes. Avoiding damage requires your lashes to be strong and natural. “Mature” lashes, as opposed to new baby lashes, are able to withstand the cosmetic glue application. Consider committing to a regime of growth serum and thickening mascara until they’ve reached full strength and then consider the extension route.

Check out our online selection of other Glo Skin Care products for more healthy skin and lash care ideas. Every Glo Skin Beauty product is paraben-free, antioxidant-based, and never tested on animals. Their award-winning mineral makeup line is PETA approved.